Men’s Role in the Decline of Masculinity

8 min readSep 4, 2021

When there is no place to colonize and no one to fight, what are men to do?

The Bonobo Way of Life is a way of life that is unique to the Bonobo
It’s no secret that sex is becoming more and more of a social event. Even when it isn’t for reproductive purposes, the amount of time and money we devote to sex is absurd. This is irrational. However, almost everything we do is irrational. Another famous example of how we use our intellect against ourselves is sex.

You would assume that humans are the most promiscuous creatures on the world based on the pace at which we have sex, but that isn’t the case, at least not yet. Meet the Bonobos, the world’s most promiscuous non-human primates. We appear like armatures in comparison to the pace at which they have sex. More and more pages from their book are being borrowed by us.

The Bonobo way of life revolves on sex. Sex may happen at any moment. Denying another bonobo sex, regardless of their age or gender, is virtually unheard of. The bonobo way of life is associated with group sex and homosexuality. Only one rule applies: no male bonobo should have sexual relations with its mother. Everyone else is up for grabs.

Sex is used by these primates for a variety of reasons, including conflict settlement, post-conflict resolution, and when there is a fresh surge of enthusiasm, such as when they find new food grounds. Sex is very much a social activity. I’m talking about 50 Shades of Grey — tongue-on-tongue kissing, genital massages, and positionally inventive sex.

Our Present-Day Society

You may be wondering how these National Geographic statistics relate to males and the loss of masculinity at this point. We’ll get to it later. The Bonobos are matriarchal, which means that women rule the community and males hold no high social positions. Males do not know their offspring since sex is a pleasant community affair, and it might be any of them. Because they don’t know their dads, bonobo male children form lifelong bonds with their moms.

Bonobo females take an active involvement in the lives of their sons, ensuring that they have a large number of sexual partners and often bailing them out of difficulty. Female bonobos despise violence as well. When a friendly bonobo group encounters a hostile bonobo group, the females participate in peaceful negotiations by having sex with the belligerent group’s members. Males have the option of either watching or participating in the activity.

Bonobo men do not have to fight for sexual status in general, which eliminates the necessity for male aggression. Bonobo guys seldom hang out together or establish male relationships due to the absence of rivalry among them. What is the purpose of this?

Our Modern Society and the Bonobo Way of Life

I’m sure you’ve seen some subtle parallels between bonobos and contemporary civilization by now. If contemporary men do not strive to reclaim their manhood and follow in the footsteps of their dads and predecessors, we will be heading down the bonobo path as a civilization.

Guys are no longer permitted to be men in our age. Boys who have violent thoughts, watch violent movies, or play violent video games are penalized. Young males are also encouraged to be more calm, cooperative, and less competitive, while young girls are encouraged to be strong, independent, and courageous in pursuing their goals, resulting in feminized men and masculinized women.

Most guys have a dark secret that they refuse to reveal. Deep down, we long for the day when we shall be put to the ultimate test of bravery, strength, and mastery. These are the characteristics that characterize masculinity and what it means to be a man — the traits that our forefathers were judged on and had to possess in order to guarantee the survival of their fellow men, women, and children.

Many young men, I believe, would join up to go to war just to have a feeling of purpose if they are called upon. Going to battle will enable them to demonstrate their bravery, strength, and domination, which is something that every man secretly desires.

The Path of Our Forefathers

Allow me to transport you back in time.

Back in the day. We used to live in groups back then. When men lived in gangs and maintained a tight circle around themselves to protect their families and other members of the group from existential dangers. There was a time when there were no governments to protect you or guarantee that everyone respected your rights. Even the most fundamental rights, such as the right to life, have been violated. The individuals you tented with were your greatest chance of survival. And when I say people, I’m referring to the males in the group. Strength was in short supply.

Men were expected to be brave on a daily basis. Being a man included being physically capable.

The main responsibilities of a man were to guarantee posterity and ongoing existence. Women have no business being with physically weak males since it was a poor survival strategy. Anything beyond the fence boundary, even other strong guys, was considered hazardous back then.

Strong men were relied upon by everyone in the group to defend the perimeter and keep everyone safe. Men looked up to other strong and brave men because they knew they could rely on them to stand up when it was most needed. Feminism was unpopular at the time because women couldn’t do all males could, like hunt, construct, defend, and perform all the hard work. This required a show of power, bravery, and mastery.

It was men who laid the foundations for our contemporary civilizations and gave order to an otherwise chaotic planet. Great civilizations, such as Rome, were established by gangs of men with large enough territory to become modern-day governments. Men were the ones who built infrastructures and safeguarded what they had built.

But what are men to do when they have no place to colonize and no one with whom to fight?

This is the contemporary man’s dilemma. We have eradicated all human dangers and provided the planet with much too much comfort. So, what does this mean for us as men? Particularly when bravery, power, and skill aren’t needed. This is why contemporary males are seen to be frail. This is our reality: the only outlet for male energy left is promiscuous sex.

Men have likewise devoted themselves entirely to sex and pornography, resulting in a society of bonobo masturbation. This may be ascribed in part to the fact that our society is oriented toward minimizing labor and danger, putting males in a vulnerable situation. Men have devoted themselves entirely to women and their interests, a near resemblance to the bonobo way of life, without having to show masculine qualities such as power, bravery, or domination. The majority of guys are also pampered little boys.

Other guys, on the other hand, must go to the gym on a regular basis to feel anything like hard labor. We are a tough working species bred to do menial tasks. We weren’t designed to binge-watch Netflix programs or work at a desk. Failure to provide men with challenging employment leads to them seeking thrills and risks, such as getting into needless fights, in order to feel like a man.

Men’s desire for an outlet for their pent-up male energy is becoming increasingly apparent. We are the contemporary equivalent of zoo lions; we flourish far better in the savannah. Men are also violent and possessive, something all feminists are well aware of and dread. This is why they advocate for a society based on bonobo masturbation, in which sex is social and males are passive animals. Any show of masculinity, even getting an erection, is a danger to feminists at this point.

Manly Characteristics in a New Light (Strength, Courage, and Mastery)

Modern civilization has drastically changed, and the meaning of terms that characterize males or masculinity — words like strength and bravery — has transformed as well. Men are expected to be brave and powerful. However, the meanings of these terms are at best ambiguous. Is it truly necessary for men to be strong in order to continue in their life-draining jobs? Is it necessary for guys to have bravery while applying for high-paying jobs or approaching women? Mastery has less to do with physically expressing oneself, such as how our forefathers hunted or built homes, and more to do with intellectual skill, such as writing or trade.

Making these masculine characteristics abstract allows women to excel at what men are capable of, such as emotional strength and the bravery to follow goals. It’s paradoxical that males contribute to the construction of communities in which their futures are uncertain. When it comes down to it, I’m not anti-feminist; rather, I’m anti-extreme feminism. Insane is the polar opposite of crazy. If severe patriarchy is bad, radical feminism is just as dangerous.

I am not against women earning money and paying their expenses, for example. My argument is that being “independent” does not imply that you don’t need a guy. Adulthood is linked with being self-sufficient. A healthy lady need the presence of a strong guy in her life. This is how God meant it to be. The unfortunate reality is that in this bonobo masturbation civilization, there are less strong guys.

Unfortunately, as males, we are unable to alter our already feminine culture. The good news is that by performing masculine things, individual men may reclaim their manhood. This involves performing physically demanding job, working out, spending time with other guys, finding a sport, and teaching their male offspring about masculinity and how to be a man. We need to keep working on ourselves and bettering each other until males are called up to go to battle or protect their tribe in case of a zombie apocalypse or when the world goes to crap for whatever reason.

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