12 Signs That Your Crush Is Overdue for a Break

8 min readSep 6, 2021

It’s sometimes better to simply let go.

Everyone experiences crushes, regardless of their age or relationship situation. Some are innocent and go unnoticed. Others have the ability to devour our life and crush us.
Here are 12 signs that it’s time to let go of your infatuation and move on to someone better.

He has a girlfriend.

You should immediately back off if they are married or in a committed relationship. If they tell you they’re unhappy in their relationship, that’s a big red flag since they should be talking to their spouse instead of you. Would you be able to trust them not to do the same to you later if they do leave their present relationship for you?

If they’re only casually dating and say they’re single when questioned, you may still have a shot with them, and keeping your infatuation might be worth it.

You’re in a committed relationship.

One of the first things you should ask yourself if you’re in a relationship and have a crush on someone is why. Everyone has celebrity crushes, even if they aren’t famous. Healthy couples may even discuss their celebrity obsessions on occasion.

If this is a genuine person in your life, you should consider if there is anything you are missing from your present relationship that you believe this other person can provide. It’s usually a good idea to tell your spouse that you believe you’re lacking in a certain area and see if they’re willing to help or support you.

Depending on your degree of commitment to each other, it may be time to move on if you are continually looking at others, just aren’t happy in your relationship, and you’ve previously attempted to work things out.

Your crush has taken over your mind.

It’s entertaining to imagine how wonderful life might be with this particular individual. All of these possibilities play out in your mind, and you may even have nightmares about them. There’s nothing wrong with doing this every now and again, but if you find yourself thinking about them all the time, you may want to take a break.

You constantly stalk their social media accounts, go online just to see if they are online, find out their birthday and read their horoscope on a regular basis, try to figure out what their favorite things are and suddenly like those things as well, you over analyze everything they say or do to you (or don’t say or do) and you can’t sleep.

It will be difficult, but you must replace your thoughts of them with thoughts of anything, or maybe someone else. Focus on your job, interests, and friends, as well as what is occurring now rather than what you think will happen in the future.

You attempted to pursue them or show interest in them, but they didn’t respond.

If you asked them out on a date and they declined, you should be proud of yourself for trying, but it seems they aren’t interested. You may attempt to wear them down, but do you really want to date someone who you have to persuade to give you a chance?
If you flirt with them but they don’t reciprocate, it’s time to go on. If they just respond with one word responses, their body language is closed off, they progressively walk away from you, or they continue to play with their phone while you are talking to them, don’t keep trying. If you continue to flirt with them and they aren’t interested, you risk making them uncomfortable, which no one likes.

The crush is unsuitable

Do you have a crush on someone you shouldn’t? Is this person your employer, even if you’re both single? Maybe you’re in charge of them. Is this individual much older or significantly younger than you? Or does this individual have poor habits that you may find detrimental in the long run?

You must consider if you and your crush have long-term compatibility. It’s not worth it if dating them might jeopardize your job. Do you really want to put yourself in harm’s way if they’re always flirting and dating everyone? If they’re drunk, how long until you start drinking heavily yourself or they do something they didn’t intend to do because they’re drunk?

Don’t place yourself in a position where you’ll come to regret it afterwards.

One day you are full of hope that people would like you, and the following day you are devastated by them.

This is a loop that, over time, may be detrimental. When you lock eyes and grin at one other, it feels wonderful at first. You flirt with them, and they flirt with you. You seem to be making progress. Then they hardly say hello the next time you see them. What exactly is going on?

The same thing occurs while texting. You’ll send a text or they’ll text you, and then they’ll vanish after a few back-and-forth texts! You’re left scratching your head, wondering what went wrong when everything appeared to be going so well! Worse, they don’t reply to your mails for days, if they answer at all.

For you, this will become a never-ending cycle of suffering and sorrow. The harsh reality is that they probably like you, but not very much. Save your affection for someone who will reciprocate your feelings.

You’ve had a long-term crush on this person.

It’s OK to have a long-term crush on sometimes. If you were in high school together and then went your separate ways, and now you’re both single adults, it may be worth it to keep your infatuation alive.
Many individuals develop a crush on a friend, and as they get to know them better over time, they realize they love their friendship much too much to ever consider dating them. The individual who has a crush feels devastated since they have waited so long for anything more to happen but nothing ever does.

If you’ve had a crush on someone for a long time and they haven’t shown any interest in you, it’s time to call it quits and move on. You didn’t do anything wrong or aren’t unlovable; this individual just isn’t the perfect fit for you.

They aren’t the right fit for you.

We can sense when something isn’t right or when someone isn’t right for us deep down. We don’t always know straight away, but you can sense whether someone is a good fit for you over time.

Maybe you don’t have anything in common? Perhaps you have different long-term objectives? Or do you just have opposing ideals and beliefs?

These factors do not indicate that this individual is a bad person; rather, they indicate that this person is not the appropriate fit for you. There is someone out there that is on the same road as you and wants the same things from life as you. You’ll be glad you waited for that person instead of pushing it to work with someone you know won’t.

You’re attempting to persuade them to like you.

You’re in hazardous ground if you find yourself doing things you believe they’ll enjoy simply to make them like you more. It’s definitely time to take a step back if you start altering to be more like what you believe this person wants.

Why would you start wearing red if your crush loves it but you despise it and don’t think you look good in it? Alternatively, if your crush is a Christian but you aren’t, don’t claim you are since they would most likely want you to attend church with them.

If you find yourself pretending to enjoy particular things or altering in order for them to like you more, it’s time to let go. Consider what could happen if you do get together and then disclose a year later that you don’t really enjoy the things you connected over. Because you can only be yourself, the truth will always come out. The proper person will adore you for who you are, not who they believe you should be.

You’ve read many articles and horoscopes about them.

This is related to overthinking and allowing your crush to dominate your thoughts, but if you have to read a ton of articles to figure out whether they like you, if they’ll ever ask you out, or what their horoscope says about what they want in a partner, it’s time to take a step back.

There’s nothing wrong with sometimes reading an article about them or checking horoscopes to see whether you’re compatible. The issue comes when you do this too often and try to decipher this individual using them. If your search history is littered with queries regarding whether or not they like you or if you are compatible, you should pause and consider why you are looking for this information so often.

If you’ve just recently met them, you may simply need to be patient and give it some time so you can get to know one other. If you’ve known someone for a long time and are still asking these questions, it’s possible that you already know the answer.

It’s OK to read a few articles now and then; they may be quite useful; but, if you find yourself seeking guidance from these articles and horoscopes on a daily basis, particularly with the same queries, you should definitely take a vacation from your crush.

You continue to rationalize their behavior.

Although no one is flawless, when you have a crush on someone, you can get away with a lot more than other people. If you find yourself rationalizing your crush’s poor behavior or defending them when someone points out a fault, it’s possible that this person isn’t as good for you as you believe.

Another method is to use the little “hints” that we are seeing. Perhaps they make eye contact with you, flirt with you, or say things that lead you to believe they like you. But when they aren’t consistent with this, so you cling to the shred of hope that they really like you and keep looking for “evidence” that they do. When someone likes you, it’s generally obvious, and you won’t have to search for little signs once you get to know them.

You simply have a feeling.

You know deep down that if you’re clinging to a glimmer of hope that one day you’ll be together, it’s probably best if you simply let go. Sure, you may remain hopeful that it will happen one day, but with so many people on the planet and the fact that we only marry one person (ideally), the odds of this person being your person out of the millions you will meet are low. They might be, which is why it’s a good idea to be open to it, but there are so many other people out there, and you deserve someone who cares as much about you as you care about them.

Trust your instincts, and if you don’t believe you’re receiving what you need from this individual, let go and go on. It may help to replace them with a new crush from time to time, but at the end of the day, the serenity inside yourself will give you with more comfort than anybody else could.




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